social networks and more... RSS - F.O.A.F - Podcasting - Photocasting - Broadcasting "Permission Marketing", "High tech - high touch" Voip - Linux, PHP-Perl, Apache, Mysql
Thursday, August 25, 2005
I promote the open source operating system,
LINUX as the 'platform of choice' instead of 'proprietary' solutions
& all the web open-source content managers. CMS
I use Skype and SIP applications
like GIZMO ( SIP#: 1-747-607-4616)
I offer solutions across our forum to share thoughts.
I support social networks
RSS - F.O.A.F - Podcasting - Broadcasting
I promote the open source operating system
for my clients (hotels, b&b, travel agents, travel companies)
LINUX as the 'platform of choice' instead of 'proprietary' solutions
& all the web applications right to your company.
I offer also full asssistance for Mac users.
I teach how to spare time and money, tips & tricks and everything else related to effectively promote your business.
Self relation marketing & Social networks
(RSS - F.O.A.F - Podcasting -Broadcasting)
Voip - phone over internet software, hardware
I offer solutions across my portals to share thinkings and
bringing people together!
Promuovo tutto ciò che è Open Source
per aziende turistiche e culturali in senso lato.
Insegno agli operatori come risparmiare tempo e incrementare visibilità.
Linux e Macintosh come alternativa a Windows
Self relation markeking & Social networks
VOIP - telefonia "over" internet
Podcasting, Broadcasting, RSS, "Permission Marketing"
"High tech - high touch"
Più che offrire mera visibilità alle aziende
insegno strategie d' avanguardia per risparmiare tempo e denaro.
Offro consulenza informatica avanzata(hardware - software - networks - web) a 360°.